Standing on his yatch's sundeck, a man wearing a suit and tie casts his gaze upon the Pacific Ocean. It is a Thursday afternoon. The ocean is calm and the sky is clear. No birds, no fish, no clouds. Just him and his yacht, all alone in the middle of nothingness.
"Just the way I like it," he thinks to himself while taking a sip from his glass of lemonade.
After finishing his drink, he goes back inside the cabin and prepares his lunch. Out he comes with two trays, both with an equal amount of various seafood dishes and fruits. He makes sure not to spill anything on the circular table, nor make any sound while placing the meal. Despite his meticulous procedure, he managed to get everything done before the sun can even move an inch from where it floats in the sky.
He sits facing an empty chair shaded by an umbrella. Without a second thought, he begins eating. Alternating between seafood and fruits, he finishes his meal in silence with another glass of lemonade. He cleans up the food the same way he has prepared it. As fast and gentle as possible, without making any sound.
After the meal, he brings out his foldable beach chair and lays on it. While staring at the ocean and listening to waves, a voice breaks the silence and speaks to him.
"The food was nice." It was the devil.
"Glad you enjoyed it," he replies, never bothering to find where the voice is coming from.
"I admire your confidence." The devil walks to his left and unfolds another chair. "Others would have sacrificed their children alive just to catch a sliver of my presence."
"I have nothing to give up anymore," he says while paying the devil no mind.
The man smiles and stands up. He walks to the deck's fences and leans on it. At last, he gives the devil a glance. Under the guise of a woman with crimson skin, the devil wears the same clothes as him. It locks eyes with him for a moment before standing beside him.
"Tell me about it," says the devil while staring at the ocean.
"If you say so," the man said with a smile.
"This boat was gifted to me by my cousin. She said that she doesn't know how else she could express both her gratitude and her apologies."
"She tried to kill me. Her father's last will only gave her enough to live a normal life. Everything else went to me." The man notices a cloud forming above his yacht.
"I'm just returning some of your hospitality. Go on."
"It was supposed to be mine anyway, the company was just given to my uncle because my parents died when I was young.
My cousin knows it too, but I guess she didn't care. She and her grandmother did everything they could to shun me away from the family. None worked.
Eventually, my uncle got sick. By that point, I'm already well established in the corporate world. My grandmother died, and my cousin knows that she just wasted her time trying to drag me down.
When uncle finally succumbed to his disease, I inherited his will. My cousin tried to poison me right away. It was in a glass of lemonade. Said she wanted to congratulate me for inheriting the company. Even told me that the company will be more successful than ever now that I'm in charge. Not that she's wrong.
When I drank the thing though, she just broke down crying and told me it was poisoned. Vomited that thing right on the spot. I wasn't mad. Not really disappointed either. I knew she was desperate so I just gave her the ownership of the company the next day.
Of course, she asked me why I did it after everything that happened. I said that nobody really believed in her, not even herself. But I was willing to. I helped her make the company succeed. Eventually, she was all on her own. She became successful, found a good husband. And oh-"
"Yeah, it's four days until Christmas."
"I think the twins said they want really big teddy bears. Anyway, after all of it, I retired early and donated most of my money to charity, research, and other things. I left just enough for me to live a comfortable life without the need to work until I die.
Then about a year ago at my 27th birthday, my cousin gave me this yacht. She asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I asked her to donate to the research for reversing aging. They'd have solved it by now, I think. She donated but still decided to give me this yacht.
And so I sailed. From that moment. And now we're here."
"Consider me amused, Nibiru." The devil said with a smirk. "You have three wishes."
"Immortality, perfect memory, and teleportation." Nibiru replies, confident of his answer.
"Aren't you afraid of what could go wrong?" The devil jumps off the deck and floats in front of him. "Kidding. I know what you want. But before I grant them, tell me why?"
"You already know, right?" Nibiru asks, raising his eyebrow.
"But where's the fun in that?"
"I suppose. It's not that I don't want to die. I just want to see what lies beyond. Beyond life and death. Beyond everything material and immaterial. Beyond the lies. Beyond the truth.
Some people would say that immortality is a fate worse than death and yet the same people go on lecturing others not to take their own lives. I can understand, but it's still absurd to me. Why are we trying to extend our lives, curing diseases and reversing the process of aging? Is it just so we can spend more of our time being poor and hungry? Is life really just about spending every second breathing trying to make sure a robot doesn't suddenly kill someone?
I've had the luxury to walk away from that life. But others don't. To me, immortality is the cure. It is the door to freedom. I won't have to care about myself anymore."
"Why not just ask for the answers then? I can do that too, you know?"
"I could, but where's the fun in that?"
The devil chuckles. "Alright, your wishes have been granted. Without negative repercussions. With knowledge of how to use them."
"Do I need to thank you?" Nibiru asks after he teleports to an icy mountain.
"Not really," the devil replies, still facing him.
"I see. Until we meet again…"
"See you later, Nicole."
Darkness deeper than shadows poured down from the sky. The devil vanished without a trace.
And so Nibiru spent his time learning and mastering every field of knowledge, covertly helping humanity into becoming a space faring civilization that helps other species thrive in their own way. Just like the teachings of his parents.
But like his parents, his uncle, his cousin, and his nephews and nieces, he watched humanity vanish in the end. They gave him their will. That through him, humanity will live on.
He watched the universe freeze. He watched it implode. He watched it reset. He watched it multiply.
He experienced countless realities. Encountered countless humanities. Studied countless moralities.
Everything lives as long as he remembers.
He remembers everything. All sciences, all magics, and all technologies.
And one day, while meditating on a floating rock in the middle of nowhere, he heard a voice.
"It's been an eternity."
"Talk about it?"
"Yeah, talk about it."
Word Count: 1268
Prompts: Glass, Legacy, Rebirth